Tuesday, January 26, 2016

There's Some Magic In These Moments

By Evan Sanders


Lots of pressure. The type of pressure that turns you into something you've never been before. The type of pressure that can crumble you or turn you into something amazing.

Every once in a while your heart can be conflicted and turn into a place of fury. It sees no way to go and is constantly challenged to move ahead.

This is a huge pressure.

And it can build for a long time.

I can feel this over my chest, running up through my cheekbones and down the sides of my neck. It's circulating.

It's begging me to do what I know I can.

Your heart begs you to take action, to drop all of the decisions you've made before, to let everything that is toxic in your life fall away and to try something brand new.

But when you're scared it's hard to dive into this place.

No matter the story we lived in before, you can never go back. You can never go back to the person you once were...and that's perfectly ok.

The request to do it all differently.

And yet...it's such a bizarre feeling to have this coming from your heart.

It takes a lot of faith to drop into something new. It takes a lot of faith to step onto a path that you have no idea where it will take you. All you know is that it's going to take you somewhere great.

It takes blind faith. It takes "seeing" without seeing.

It's not even fear...

And yet...

It doesn't feel unguided.

So make the commitment to dive into what you know you need to do. Make the commitment that goes beyond saying that you're going to do it and actually do it for a change.

But as I'm writing all of this right now, I know that there are going to be pieces of me that leave...

And step into something that will change your life. Never come back. Never look back.

All of the logic in the world will tell you to stay in as comfortable as a place as possible. Forget that. Dive into what makes you uncomfortable so you can move forward with your life.

Have big amounts of faith.

Leave your mind behind.

And trusting I'm headed right where I belong.

About the Author:

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