Saturday, February 1, 2014

How To Buy Concealed Carry Wear

By Jayne Rutledge

Is that a Glock in your pocket ... ? With the right concealed carry wear, you can avoid awkward questions like how happy you are to see someone when you want concealed to mean concealed. Apart from not wanting your weapon to disrupt the sleek lines of your designer outfit, you also want fast and smooth access to your shooter when you need it. Nothing spoils the mood like getting your Beretta caught in your belt loop and blowing a whole in your designer jeans, not to mention your gluteal region.

If you want to maintain your cover as a Sunday School teacher, you don't want to blow your credibility with a telltale bulge under your warm or around your waistline. There are gender differences when it comes to carrying a firearm. Men do not have the advantage of being able to store a weapon in the cleavage or attached to the thigh. Both men and women have the ability to carry around the waist, under the arm or inside a specially-constructed body wrap.

If you carry a different type of handgun from time to time, if your current holster chafes or does not allow easy withdrawal when you are sitting down, you may want to have a look at one of the new holster t-shirts on the market. The holster is built right in at the side, under the arm. They are remarkably sturdy and very popular among those who wear them, although they may not be everyone's cup of tea.

There are a number of advantages to wearing a CCW T-shirt. For one, they are the way to go in the summertime when you area wearing shorts. You can wear a breezy button-type shirt over your 100 percent cotton holster shirt. The weapon is easy to remove. Some holster shirts have added straps or velcro attachments, but think twice about whether you want to make a velcro noise when you are reaching for your weapon. This can kill the element of surprise. On the other hand, it may confuse the other guy, so that's not an altogether bad thing.

There was a time not so long ago when, if you wanted your weapon to be truly concealed, you had to wear bulky winter clothing. Not any more. These days you can walk around in a T-shirt and shorts and still keep your secret. Special CCW pants exist with ambidextrous access around the waistband. The belt loop separation arrangement keeps your pancake or belt slide holsters looking tidy. Some have magazines where you can store your magazines.

Carpenter's jeans are perfect for CCW, especially if they have been custom-modified for the purpose. There are numerous pockets for keeping not just your weapon, but also magazines, hand cuffs, flashlights, etc. Make sure the belt loop separation arrangement can accommodate whatever holster you normally wear.

Women, there are drawbacks to carrying your Colt in a purse. First, they are awkward and do not provide rapid access to your firearm. Second, if your purse gets lost or stolen, you area really SOL, aren't you? Fortunately, there are some excellent concealment holsters for on the market.

When you are looking for concealed carry wear, the two most important considerations are comfort and accessibility. Try to have your firearm with you when trying different systems and garments on for size. If you are using public changing rooms, make sure your weapon is unloaded.

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