Monday, January 19, 2015

Discover How Lavender Oil Can Improve Your Health And Wellness

By Kristen Baird

In schools of natural and alternative healing, essential oils play a key role in treating physical conditions and promoting emotional well-being. Lavender oil in particular stands out because of the many positive effects attributed to is use both topically and in aromatherapy. Produced through the steam distillation of lavender flowers, this oil is believed to purify the skin, alleviate pain, and improve blood flow to name just a few of its benefits.

One use of this substance is as an insect repellent, if it is applied to the skin before going outdoors, its scent will help deter pests such as mosquitoes and black flies as they dislike the way it smells. It also doubles as an effective treatment for insect bites, reducing the itchiness with its anti-inflammatory properties. Another way in which it can be useful is as a natural sleep aid, simply applying a few drops to one's pillow at night can help encourage peaceful, uninterrupted sleep.

The mind can also benefit from the use of lavender in aromatherapy, in both cognitive functioning and where the emotions are concerned. People who battle anxiety disorders, depressions, fatigue, and migraines have often reported notable improvement when undergoing aromatherapy sessions in which this oil was used.

Possessing both antifungal and antiseptic qualities, lavender is a popular additive to many skincare products, and it can safely be used directly on the skin to treat a variety of problems. It can promote healing of burns and scars, and reduce occurrence of inflammatory conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema. As an analgesic, it can be rubbed into stiff or injured muscles and joints, and has even shown indications of helping to reduce post-operative pain if inhaled during recovery from surgery.

Urinary tract conditions that cause inflammation of the bladder and impaired urine flow and production have shown improvement from lavender inhalation as well. Respiratory illnesses characterized by congestion such as colds, the flu, bronchitis, and sinusitis can also clear up by adding the oil to a vaporizer or rubbing it onto the throat or chest to loosen mucus and restore normal breathing.

Where hair care is concerned, lavender has also proven itself to be an effective remedy for killing head lice, including the nits and eggs. Alopecia, or male pattern baldness, has also shown signs of reversal in studies where patients massaged the oil into their scalps regularly, indicating that it may help in preventing hair loss.

It is also associated with promoting healthy circulation of blood, which can reduce hypertension, and regulate blood pressure. This in turn, lowers the risk for developing arteriosclerosis or suffering a heart attack. The digestive processes are improved too, as the production of bile and gastric fluids is increased resulting in less incidence of indigestion and gas. Immunity against some infectious diseases is believed to be increased as well.

Some precautions for use of this essential oil are indicated. It shouldn't be used by women who are pregnant or nursing, by those with very sensitive skin, or by diabetic patients, unless directed otherwise by a healthcare provider. Lavender must never be ingested or it can cause illness, it is intended for topical application or aromatherapy inhalation only.

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