Sunday, January 11, 2015

Eliminating Racism In Sports Media

By Enid Hinton

Media refers to the tools that are used to store and distribute information to the general public. There are various types of media that everyone gets to interact with. Racism defines the prejudicial treatment of other people because of their cultural background and the race that they come from. Racism in sports media is a parasite that has refused to go away. When one thinks that it is gone, it then manifests itself in another place though in the same way.

The networks and sports fight for fairness. A fairness that gets wiped away by racial thoughts. When a player is judged by his race, his heart sulks. His passion for the game is not enough for him to showcase his abilities. Being discriminated kills him inside and he becomes unproductive on the outside. Sports is only fair when it is all about talent.

The enthusiastic journalists who are passionate about their work know that it is their duty to deliver information that is fair and just. When racial comments are aired or published it starts getting unfair.Those reading the work become more influenced into victimizing participants and it therefore becomes a never ending problem.

If racism in sports is to be put to an end, strong measures need to be effected. Since it is a problem that is touching everyone, directly or indirectly, we need to solve it as a whole.

Can chauvinism end? That is something that we are yet to find out. It started centuries back and is still present today. It would therefore mean that we need to take drastic measures to eliminate it from the society.

We need to see the similarities in each other. It is the similarities that draw us to each other. In so doing we can treat one another in a more respectful manner. A player from another ethnic group does not deserve different treatment. We become inconsiderate when we victimize people who have no control over their background.

The networks should help in protecting the victims of racism. They should refrain from airing comments that will discriminate others. They should be a mirror of the challenges affecting the sports industry. Show the evils existing in it and give a way forward to the game lovers. In that they can be part of a permanent solution.

Our minds are responsible for our actions. Ethnicity originated from the mind of one person and he spread the notion to other people. As other people got influenced by him, they developed a negative attitude towards people of different races.

Therefore, the only way to kill the problem is by eliminating it from our minds. Killing from the source. With that, we will be able to look at the world with a different perspective. We should not use our minds as weapons but as tools that we can help others and ourselves in the process. Let us take a step as individuals and make the difference to the whole society.

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