Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Greatest Adventure You Will Ever Undertake

By Evan Sanders

What if you could really have a dream that was not under control? What if you could begin a voyage that would never end? What would that look like? How big could you dream?

Winston Churchill once famously proclaimed, "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often."

Imagine going on the best journey of your life that was deep rooted in the indisputable fact that you were going to morph and change every day. You would discover exciting new things about yourself endlessly, continually bring new and exciting people into your life and dive into the caves of your heart you have never entered before. This journey would outline every single day you lived and guaranteed that you were always growing and deepening. This great adventure is truly possible, but it's right around the corner after you confront your deepest fear. Perhaps that deep fear is of being alone, not being significant enough, or failing to make a result on the world. Possibly that deep fear is only something that you truly know within and have been scared to tell anybody else. But when you confront that fear and dedicate the rest of your life to a mission, it subsides and the probabilities of life open up in front of you.

Phenomenal things really begin to develop for you.

Life starts to shape and form beautifully.

And dreams, well, those dreams you've really always had turn into a fact.

Many might think this idea is hooey, but I have seen it happen with my own eyes in my own life and to the numerous lives of others I have coached professionally. When you begin to face your fears and come to a decision to go on a voyage, you become the hero of your own story. You give yourself the chance to be constantly suprised by life and live in such a way that you're fully by your great fears.

So what will it be today? Fear...or adventure?

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