Thursday, March 24, 2016

Do Not Fear Your Psychic Gift

By Wilma Runstles

Many psychic readers spend years trying to hide their abilities. They fear that people will talk about them and say negative things. Perhaps they are afraid of the fact that most people reject the readings of a seer. Once you begin finding your own spiritual life path, you begin discovering more about yourself. It is always amazing to watch a person learning more about their spiritual gifts from helping others. It is estimated that 50 million people a day use psychics in some way, shape or form. Psychic readings are popular in Russia and the United States.

We are all born with a sixth sense. Whether we know it or not, our minds like to think about things that enter into our lives. We are often sitting down thinking about our lives and something pops up into our head. We often ask, "What was that?" We may be thinking that someone is going to break into a neighbor's house or that your aunt Tina and Uncle Mike are about to have a divorce. Even though nothing is happening right now, you feel that something can happen. This can be devastating and hard to accept for the most part. People often wonder what is happening in the spiritual realm when they start feeling these things.

Life is a new journey and we often want to learn from the past. The past is often hard to forget. A psychic reading can remind you that the past is not what you think it is. In fact, the past is nothing more than a thought process that seems to work at times. Many times a person thinks that nobody is listening to them. When you have a psychic reading, the spiritual adviser listens to you the entire time. Psychics today are a lot like counselors. They sit and listen to your problems and then give you spiritual advice on how to correct the issue.

If you believe that you are a psychic, then you have a gift that most people will never even know that they have. People need to visualize the universe through a psychics eyes. I say this because a spiritual adviser often has secret messages for us to learn. If a psychic tells you that your love life is about to change, you better listen to them. They often don't say something unless they are seeing a vision about it. A lot of men and women today feel that their life is moving ahead for the better. A lot of people begin to trust others with their knowledge of the afterlife. We often have spiritual loved ones trying to reach out to us that have crossed over to the other side.

I am always shocked to find out that psychics have an awareness of people that are involved in their client's lives. Even though they have never met the person in real life, they know so much about them. There is a lot going on inside of a psychics mind. Psychics often have visions of the future and seldom use it. Many psychics feel that the reading actually drains their energy. This can often be tiresome to people that feel like need more rest. It is important to get plenty of rest if you are doing readings of any kind.

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