Monday, May 21, 2018

Free Chinese Astrology Psychic Reading Charts

By Paula Linger

There are mainly three types of astrology Indian astrology, Western astrology, and Chinese astrology. There is a history of thousands of years of Chinese astrology, from the ancient period peoples are practicing this astrology. Just not in China, this type of astrology is also practiced in Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand and some countries of Asia. From the ancient period the Chinese astrology is based on the Jupiter planet, for this it is also called Jupiterian astrology.

This astrology depends on different zodiacs and houses. They also depend on different stars, planets, constellations and their positions and relationships. In every astrology they need the birth date, birth place, and birth time to get the readings. There are birth charts in Indian and western astrology, these types of charts are also called natal chart. During the date and time of the person's birth, the astrologers find out the positions of the planets and stars and then take the readings of the influences of the planets and stars on that person's life.

There are twelve zodiacs in all astrology. But the symbols may vary. The number of elements in Chinese astrology is five, and in Indian and western astrology the number of elements is four. Five elements of Chinese astrology are Wood, Earth, Fire, Water, and Metal; where as in Indian astrology they are Water, Air, Fire and Earth. Each zodiac sighs a different year in Chinese astrology. The five elements of Chinese cosmology make a 12X5 years cycle.

To get the news of the child, you must know the age of the woman and the month of conception. According to the original chart, which was found 7oo years ago, there was 93% accuracy. The woman can get a boy if she is 18, 20, or 30 years old and if she conceives in the month of July. If you know the age and the month of conception of the woman, then by using the Chinese birth chart you can find out that whether she will give birth a boy or a girl.

To find out the characteristics of a person including the influences of planets and stars is possible by using a Chinese astrological chart. There are different websites that are offering free Chinese astrology readings. Almost in all astrology there are educated guess and deductive reasoning. The astrologers or psychics tell something and give suggestions based on some common information of the people of that locality, from where the client came. Like other astrological systems, here are also charts related to someone's birth date, place and time. The astrologers follow some sequences to define the characteristics of that person. There is a metal element in Chinese astrology, persons of forceful, strong, determined, respectful, kind, tenacious, are under this category. There is no metal element in western astrology, there are only four elements. If you think to go to a psychic or an astrologer, be sure about their background. They should have well educational background as well as enough experience. They should have enough knowledge in psychology and geometry. They should be honest. If you find all these qualities in a psychic or an astrologer, then you can go to him to get solutions of your problems. Their experienced suggestions can help you to overcome the obstacles of your life. At present, there are so many options at your door step, for the blessings of the International Network the Internet.

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